While vacationing at Portage Lake in Michigan this past summer, some friends sailed up from Muskegon. They were headed farther north with their next stop being Frankfort. My wife took them up on their offer to sail along and I drove ahead to paint and meet them for dinner. I went to one of my favorite spots, a bluff in Elberta, where I've painted looking south before, but not north. So I faced the harbor channel and watched for them to come in. It was beautiful weather when I started, but rain was approaching. I had about an hour-and-a-half to get this done before a drizzle began. Not sure if I actually saw their boat, but enough of them came by for reference.
Into the Harbor, oil, 12" x 9" SOLD
Love the composition here... the eye just moves around and around... trees to boats to storm cloud and back to the trees. And well, you know I love everything you do on Lake Michigan. :)
Thanks Laurel.
great title for a very nice painting
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