Just back from a week in St. Thomas for our 20th anniversary. I planned on doing some painting, but because it wasn't a primary part of the trip, I didn't want to deal with the hassles of mineral spirits and wet paintings. I brought along a pochade box with acrylics, a few small panels, and a pad of heavy watercolor paper.
Lots of great views, great subjects and caribbean colors. This would be a good place for an extended painting trip.
I wasn't happy with the acrylics though. I've worked with them many times through the years, but was reminded again, of what to me, are their short comings. The fast drying has always frustrated me. It also seems harder to capture clean, bright colors, especially the turquoise of the water. I'll be happier doing studio versions of some of my sketches with oils.
This is a morning view from our balcony of Charlotte Amalie Harbor.
Balcony view, acrylic on paper, 9" x 7"